Friday, February 6, 2009

Huckleberry Madness

I love huckleberries......not eating them, although they are delicious. My obsession is hunting them. Stalking the wily, elusive huckleberry is one of my most favorite pastimes. Late in August or early September my precious, and very patient husband and I, head on up the mountain to at least 4500 ft. elevation to start the search. We always check out last year's prime spots first. Sometimes that works out great. Other times it's only the beginning of many frustrating hours of slim pickings...We have learned never to give up and think 'it's just a bad huckleberry year' the way we used to. No, we trudge on...until dirt! A steep hillside (huckleberry bushes seem to shy away from flat ground) covered with waist high bushes dripping with burgundy colored berries. No, maybe more like Shiraz colored berries. Either way I am in heaven! My husband, not so much, but at least the search is over, for now. I strap on my huckleberry bucket, a secret family design passed down to me from my father. The bucket consists of a 1 gallon milk jug, top cut out, the handle threaded through your belt. Genius! Next the crazy quest for the perfect bush begins.


  1. I love it! Pictures of huckleberries : ) You have no idea how these photos have brightened my evening. Feeling nostalgic this weekend as this is when my Uncle John would load all of us kids up in his old Dodge Recon and haul us up to Gold Hill to pick berries. Great memories of that and then my mom and aunt baking huckleberry/apple pies throughut the winter. Yum!

  2. I'm so pleased that my crazy photos have added something sweet to your evening!
